Winter Metering Record - After Conservation & Solar Array Additions
USE kwhrs days kwhr/day avg Percentage
Refrigerator 11.28 11 1.0 6.03%
Microwave/Coffee Maker 19.6 40 0.5 2.88%
Masonry Heater Pump 5.51 10 0.6 3.24%
Large LCD TV & Cable Box 7.03 13 0.5 3.18%
Clothes Washer & Gas Dryer 6.3 14 0.5 2.65%
Rob's Computer & Audio Amps 30.12 21 1.4 8.44%
Freezer 6.6 8 0.8 4.85%
Cable & Internet Router (16w) 0.3 2.00%
Electric Hot Water @ 44% total 7.5 44.00%
(& using masonry pre-heater)
Subtotal 13.1 77.27%
Other (water pump, lighting
Terese studio, Ray, back-up
power system, solar arrays
barn and others) 3.9 22.73%
Daily Use Average (dec-mar) 17.0
Daily Avg Grid Purchase 3.9 22.94%
Net Meter Sales / Use 18.4 108.24%
Cumulative Effect of Conservation and 8kV Solar Array
July 2011- started conservation
Replaced Rob's desktop computer
other sources of unnecessary waste.