A very quick introduction to Midwest Region 345,000  & 765,000 volt Grid Enhancement Plans


ATC in alliance with MISO and MAPP.

Introductory paragraphs from http://www.atc10yearplan.com/RP.shtml



[MISO =  Midwest Independent Transmission System Operators]




Not all of the plans are mapped on this ATC site. This paragraph concludes the summary of plans,




Following excerpts from

Midwest ISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP)


MISO =  Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator's



Above map from page 16. A good way to become more familiar with these plans and the justifications is to read pages 9-12  in  Midwest ISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP).










One of the 18 included projects from MTEP2010 Final, page 273:




The cost for the RGOS Multi-Value Projects of which Badger Coulee is included appears to total 4.4 billion.





Most plans arguments use by Renewable Energy mandates like this:


from MTEP2010 Final




WisconsinÕs mandates laws may be re-examined. This and the effectiveness of these plans in meeting the intent of these laws need further study.








A Midwest Region 765,000 volt Grid Expansion Plan



The Green Power Express



Broad of 765 kilovolt (kV) transmission facilities thatÉwill traverse portions of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana and will ultimately include approximately 3,000 miles of extra high-voltage (765 kV) transmission. Project cost is estimated at between $10 and $12 billion.










Another consortium that ATC belongs to that is involved in joint studies and grid expansion planning is,


MAPP =  Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP)




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Ownership and local 69,0000 volt line,..


Below from Isthmus news article written by Vikki Kratz August 7, 2007  and MTEP2010 Final Plan, page 79


The state's transmission lines were originally owned by the individual utilities. In 1999, the state Legislature created American Transmission Company — a private, for-profit entity that now owns most of infrastructure for delivering power in Wisconsin. ATC maintains more than 9,000 miles of high-voltage lines and 480 substations, serving customers in Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota.


[from (MISO) MTEP2010 Final Plan, page 79 – ÒNote most utilities in Wisconsin have 69 kV transmission under Midwest ISO functional control, placing many substations and switching stations at the 69 kV voltage level within the Midwest ISO footprint,..Ó ]


ATC controls the transmission assets of 29 utility companies and co-ops of varying sizes, including those of Stoughton and Sun Prairie. But 90% of the company is owned by the state's five major utilities:


Madison Gas and Electric Co.

- subsidiary of MGE Energy, Inc.


Wisconsin Electric Power Co.

-subsidiary of Wisconsin Energy Corp. (We Energies)


Wisconsin Power & Light Co.

- subsidiary of Alliant Energy Corporation


Wisconsin Public Power Inc.

- consortium of 49 municipal utility companies in Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa


Wisconsin Public Service Corp.

- subsidiary of Integrys Energy Group, Inc., formerly WPS Resources Corporation



[end quote]


Dairyland recently joined MISO— which ATC is heavily dependent upon for contracts.


Property owners along our existing 69kV line might learn more about company affiliations by asking Vernon Electric who owns the easements they signed or inherited.


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